Oil/Water Separators http://www.gk-it.co.za/index.php/oil-water-separators Sun, 27 Nov 2016 13:11:21 +0000 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management en-gb Oil/Water Separators http://www.gk-it.co.za/index.php/oil-water-separators/126-oil-water-separators http://www.gk-it.co.za/index.php/oil-water-separators/126-oil-water-separators

Oil/Water Separators

Features and Benefits

* Unique patented design ensures a low maintenance and effective separation solution
* Bucket-chain system limits emulsification, motorised NOT pumped to avoid continual pump breakdown
* A larger size allows  for a longer period of time that the effluent resides within the separator and therefore ensures effective separation
* Un-Emulsified hydrocarbons can be reduced  to less than 5 parts per million
* Emulsified hydrocarbons can be reduced to less than 10 parts per billion
Each separator designed and adapted to specific customer requirements and conditions

[email protected] (Super User) Oil/Water Separators Thu, 13 Mar 2014 12:05:39 +0000